Categoria: Our Commitment
The March tarot card: "THE STRENGTH"
The Strength
There was a person who believed that only through aggression and brute strength could they achieve anything. They often found themselves in trouble, more isolated and vulnerable each time. They had been taught that this was the way to get what they wanted. But one day, during a journey through a dense forest, they hid behind a bush and witnessed a delicate figure speaking gently to a lion. The lion, fierce and powerful, listened and responded calmly. It was then they understood: strength was not about force but about communication and understanding.
Oracle’s Guidance
You may think that you need to use force to get what you want. Instead, take the longer, more difficult path of courage and compassion. It’s more rewarding and beautiful.
Non-violence and empathy.
How to find the cards?
They will find you! The traveler’s tarot cards are hidden under a chair, camouflaged between posters, between books or under a cup, waiting to be discovered when the right time is. It is not just about reading a card: it is an experience that happens by destiny,
A sign that comes to you exactly when you need it more. Each card you find is an invitation to stop, reflect and ask you what you are trying to tell you the universe. Just like every big journey, each of these cards will push you a little further from your comfort zone,
offering you new intuitions and helping you to see the world with new eyes.
We are ready to follow the advice of the oracle and to take this special journey with you. Ready to start?
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The February tarot card: "THE LOVERS"
Febbraio: La profezia degli amanti
Febbraio, il mese dei santi leggendari: Santa Brigida, San Remo e il più famoso di tutti, San Valentino. Un uomo che perse la testa (letteralmente) per amore, sposando segretamente coppie e proteggendo le loro unioni fino al suo ultimo respiro.
E ora, le carte rivelano Gli Amanti . Ma questa non è una semplice storia d’amore! L’amore, in tutte le sue forme, non è solo da provare, è da difendere. Che si tratti del tuo amore, di quello di un amico o dell’amore per essere semplicemente te stesso, abbraccia la causa. Sii l’alleato segreto, il feroce protettore, l’incrollabile credente nel potere dell’amore.
Gli amanti
C’erano una volta due esseri, completamente diversi l’uno dall’altro. Uno apparteneva alla notte, l’altro al giorno; uno era d’acqua, l’altro di terra; uno leggero come un’idea, l’altro pesante come l’oro. Nonostante le loro differenze, si innamorarono. La loro unione dimostrò che quando due entità, siano esse persone, idee, eventi, movimenti o gruppi, si uniscono, la completezza della loro relazione è di gran lunga maggiore della somma delle sue parti.
Guida di Oracle
Abbraccia tutte le forme di amore senza giudizio. Scopri te stesso attraverso le connessioni che crei con gli altri. L’amore è vario e nella diversità c’è bellezza.
Accettazione dell’amore in tutte le sue forme.
Come trovare le carte?
Ti troveranno! Le carte dei Tarocchi del Viaggiatore sono nascoste sotto una sedia, mimetizzate tra poster, tra libri o sotto una tazza, in attesa di essere scoperte quando sarà il momento giusto. Non si tratta solo di leggere una carta: è un’esperienza che accade per destino, un segno che ti arriva esattamente quando ne hai più bisogno. Ogni carta che trovi è un invito a fermarti, riflettere e chiederti cosa sta cercando di dirti l’universo. Proprio come ogni grande viaggio, ognuna di queste carte ti spingerà un po’ più lontano dalla tua zona di comfort, offrendoti nuove intuizioni e aiutandoti a vedere il mondo con occhi nuovi.
Siamo pronti a seguire il consiglio dell’oracolo e a intraprendere questo viaggio speciale con voi. Pronti a iniziare?
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The January tarot card: "THE MIXOLOGIST"
January, the gateway to a new year!
A time for grand resolutions and whispered promises, made in the wake of holiday feasts, indulgences, and countless cin cin. The stars align, and I—the Great Mixologist of Fate—peer into the cosmic shaker of your destiny. And what do I see? Balance, my dear friends. The secret ingredient to the cocktail of life.
But beware! This is no tiresome sermon urging you toward Veganuary, fasting rituals, or austere abstinence. Not at all. True Balance cannot be found in one-size-fits-all prescriptions. The universe whispers: Each soul must find its own perfect blend. So move, dance, create, scream into the void if you must, and then—pause. Reflect. Discover the ingredients that nourish you.
The Mixologist
There was a young person who drank excessively, losing themselves night after night to the lure of intoxication. One evening, while wandering the beach, they encountered the Great Mixologist, a master of blending ingredients to create magical elixirs. The Mixologist offered them a drink that tasted of both sweetness and bitterness—the essence of freedom. When asked about the ingredients, the Mixologist replied, “Balance. Find what makes you happy without needing excess, and you will taste true freedom.
Oracle’s Guidance
Cut a few strings. Discover what genuinely makes you happy, even if it differs from what pleases others. That’s okay.
How to Find the Cards?
They will find you! The Traveler’s Tarot Cards are hidden under a chair, camouflaged between posters, among books, or beneath a mug, waiting to be discovered when the time is right. It’s not just about reading a card—it’s an experience that happens by fate, a sign that comes to you exactly when you need it most. Every card you find is an invitation to pause, reflect, and ask yourself what the universe is trying to tell you. Just like every great journey, each of these cards will push you a little further outside your comfort zone, offering new insights and helping you see the world through fresh eyes.
We’re ready to follow the oracle’s advice and embark on this special journey with you. Ready to begin?
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Descubra Nosso Novo Projeto: The Traveler’s Tarot Cards
Estamos empolgados em apresentar nosso mais recente projeto, The Traveler’s Tarot Cards! Essas cartas são fruto de uma jornada criativa e pessoal, criadas para compartilhar com vocês os valores essenciais da nossa comunidade de uma forma mais original e menos corporativa 🙂
Os tarôs são uma ferramenta de autoconhecimento, não são adivinhatórios, mas ajudam a ler e interpretar o presente: usá-los é como olhar para um espelho e perceber coisas que, em outro momento, poderiam passar despercebidas.
The Traveler’s Tarot Cards não são apenas cartas, mas verdadeiras narrativas visuais e simbólicas. Cada história traz uma mensagem, um conselho para quem a lê, como uma bússola que te guia por uma aventura de reflexões e descobertas. Assim como em uma viagem real, essa jornada imaginária também nos transforma: cada carta oferece a oportunidade de aprender algo novo, levando-nos ao fim do percurso com maior consciência e novos objetivos a perseguir.
Inclusividade, respeito, equilíbrio, comunidade, espírito empreendedor, mente aberta, igualdade de gênero e uma pitada de loucura são algumas das palavras-chave que representam tanto nós quanto este projeto. Esses são os valores que nos guiam todos os dias e que quisemos transmitir em cada carta e em cada história.
Por que Escolhemos o Tarô?
Por que o tarô? A resposta é simples: porque, assim como vocês, também somos viajantes. Nosso objetivo sempre foi criar um ambiente acolhedor e inspirador para aqueles que, como nós, exploram o mundo com curiosidade e espírito aventureiro. O tarô, assim como a viagem, representa um caminho: um percurso de descoberta, crescimento e transformação.
Toda jornada, seja física ou espiritual, é uma oportunidade para explorar o mundo ao nosso redor e também para nos conhecermos melhor. O ato de viajar nos tira da zona de conforto, nos coloca diante de novas experiências, nos conecta com pessoas de diferentes culturas, línguas e histórias, e nos ensina a enxergar o mundo com novos olhos.
Esse é o fio condutor do Traveler’s Tarot: uma evolução constante que abraça tanto o mundo exterior quanto nosso universo interior.
Nosso Processo Criativo
Colocamos todo o nosso amor e dedicação neste projeto. Cada carta é o resultado de um profundo processo criativo, no qual buscamos traduzir nossas ideias e valores em ilustrações únicas e histórias envolventes. Foi uma jornada emocional e artística, que exigiu tempo e muita paixão, mas que nos permitiu criar algo especial.
Mal podemos esperar para compartilhar o Traveler’s Tarot Cards com vocês e acompanhá-los nesta viagem cheia de símbolos, reflexões e novas perspectivas. Seja você um viajante experiente ou apenas curioso para explorar novas dimensões, esperamos que essas cartas te inspirem e te ajudem a navegar pelo seu caminho de crescimento pessoal.
Como Encontrar as Cartas?
São elas que vão te encontrar! As Traveler’s Tarot Cards estão escondidas sob uma cadeira, camufladas entre os pôsteres, entre os livros ou sob uma caneca, esperando o momento certo para serem descobertas. Não se trata apenas de ler uma carta: é uma experiência que acontece por destino, um sinal que chega exatamente quando você mais precisa.
Cada carta encontrada é um convite para refletir, parar um instante e se perguntar o que o universo está tentando te dizer. Assim como toda grande viagem, cada uma dessas cartas te levará um pouco além da sua zona de conforto, oferecendo novas perspectivas e te ajudando a enxergar o mundo com outros olhos. Estamos prontos para seguir os conselhos do oráculo e embarcar nesta jornada especial com vocês. Prontos para começar?
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Florence, Milan, Rome
YellowSquare’s Commitment to Women’s Safety Through the Punti Viola Initiative
YellowSquare has taken a significant step toward supporting gender-based violence prevention and women’s empowerment by participating in the Punti Viola project. This initiative, strongly advocated by the organization DonneXStrada, involves commercial establishments across Italy that serve as safe havens for women facing any difficulty, from stalking to violence.
What Are Punti Viola?
Punti Viola are special spots set up in places like YellowSquare where the staff is trained to help women who are in trouble or feel unsafe. This program is part of a bigger movement to help prevent violence against women by creating a network of these safe places all over Italian cities.
YellowSquare’s Role
By joining the Punti Viola project, YellowSquare has positioned itself as not just a place for travelers to stay, but a proactive participant in community safety and women’s rights. This integration aligns with YellowSquare’s broader mission to create inclusive and safe spaces, fostering a sense of community and support among its guests.
The Impact of Such Initiatives
The participation of businesses like YellowSquare in projects like Punti Viola is crucial. It sends a strong message about the importance of community involvement in tackling serious social issues like gender-based violence. It also provides practical, immediate support to those in need, potentially serving as a model for other businesses across Italy and beyond.
YellowSquare’s involvement with Punti Viola underscores their broader commitment to safety, inclusivity, and community engagement, making them a standout example of how the hospitality industry can play a crucial role in societal change.
For more information about the Punti Viola project and how it helps women, visit DonneXStrada’s [official website](
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We need to talk: Women in the Music Industry – A Dialogue at YellowSquare Milan
“We Need to Talk” was a powerful dialogue hosted by Equaly, focused on the roles of women in music, exploring the gender gap, its impact on live performances, and advocating for universal entertainment rights.
Addressing the Gender Gap
The music industry, like many others, has its challenges with gender equality. Our event brought this issue to the forefront, discussing the disparities that women face in terms of opportunities, recognition, and representation. Through candid discussions and expert panels, we delved into how these inequalities affect the experiences of women in music, from emerging artists to seasoned performers.
Advocating for Universal Entertainment Rights
A significant focus of the event was on advocating for universal entertainment rights, emphasizing the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for performances. The discussion underscored the need for venues, event organizers, and stakeholders in the music industry to support practices that enhance diversity and ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive.
A Call to Action
The event concluded with a call to action for all participants to be proactive in their communities and workplaces. Whether it’s supporting female artists, challenging discriminatory practices, or promoting inclusive events, there’s a role for everyone to play in bridging the gender gap in the music industry.
Join the Conversation
At YellowSquare, we believe in the power of community and dialogue to instigate change. We invite you to join us at future events and be part of the movement towards a more equitable and diverse music industry. For more information about our initiatives and upcoming events, visit our website and social media and follow our collaboration with Equaly at [Equaly].
Through these conversations, we are not just talking about change; we are being the change. Join us at YellowSquare, where every voice is heard, and every story matters.
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Florence, Milan, Rome
Swap Till You Drop: YellowSquare’s Eco-Friendly Swap Parties in Rome, Milan and Florence
At YellowSquare, we’re not just about offering a comfortable stay; we’re about creating vibrant, community-driven experiences that also give back to the planet. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our latest series of events: Swap Parties held in our Rome, Milan, and Florence locations. These gatherings are not only a fun way to spend an afternoon but also a great step towards more sustainable living.
The Joy and Benefit of Swap Parties
Swap parties are a fantastic way to reduce waste and support sustainability. At these events, guests and locals bring items they no longer need—from clothes to books and beyond—and swap them with others. It’s all about giving items a second life, preventing waste, and minimizing the need for new products.
How It Works
Each Swap Party at YellowSquare is a bustling market of second-hand treasures where participants can bring their gently used goods and take home something new-to-them. The concept is simple: “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” No money changes hands, just goods, ensuring that everyone leaves with something they love without impacting the environment.
Join Us!
Whether you’re a seasoned swapper or new to the idea of second-hand markets, YellowSquare’s Swap Parties offer something for everyone. They’re a place to meet new friends, exchange stories, and share in the collective joy of discovering that perfect item. More importantly, they are a step towards living more sustainably and responsibly.
For more information on the Swap Party schedule and how you can participate, visit our website and our Instagram
Salone14 – Milan
The YellowBar – Roma
Bargiù – Florence
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Florence, Milan, Rome
No means No Campaign: Reflecting on Women’s Rights Through Art at YellowSquare
At YellowSquare, we’re using art to spark conversation about an important issue: women’s right to enjoy public spaces without harassment. Our latest project involves reimagining famous artworks, like Botticelli’s Venus and Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits, to deliver a critical message in a new light: “No means no.”
Why Art?
Art connects. It challenges and provokes. By revisiting these iconic images, we’re not just observing beauty; we’re seeing a familiar face in a new context that emphasizes women’s autonomy and rights. Venus and Frida aren’t just subjects; they’re symbols of the enduring struggle for respect and safety that women face daily.
The Message: No Means No
This isn’t just a slogan; it’s a basic human right. Our reinterpretation of these artworks serves as a visual reminder that consent and boundaries deserve universal respect. We hope these images make viewers pause and consider the importance of these principles in all interactions.
Engaging the Community
We’re facilitating discussions around these artworks to provide a space for reflection and dialogue. It’s not just about viewing art; it’s about understanding and changing perspectives. These conversations are essential for fostering a community that values and upholds women’s rights.
Your Role
This initiative is a call to engage with art in a way that promotes social change. We encourage you to visit, reflect, and discuss. It’s through these actions that we can hope to influence not just individual behaviors but broader societal norms.
Join us at YellowSquare, where art is more than decoration—it’s a dialogue. For details on how you can participate, visit our website at YellowSquare.
Together, let’s use art to advocate for a safer, more respectful world.
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Florence, Milan, Rome
Breaking Taboos and Supporting Women: YellowSquare’s Complimentary Tampon Initiative
At YellowSquare, we’re committed to not only providing a comfortable and inclusive environment for all our guests but also addressing important, often overlooked needs. Understanding the challenges that menstruation can bring, especially when traveling, we’ve introduced a thoughtful new service: offering complimentary tampons and pads to our female guests.
Addressing a Basic Need
For many women, getting access to menstrual products can be a challenge while traveling, leading to unnecessary stress or discomfort. To address this, YellowSquare has begun providing free tampons and pads at our hostels. This initiative ensures that all our female guests have access to essential menstrual products, free of charge, whenever they need them during their stay.
Breaking Menstrual Taboos
Menstruation is a natural part of life, yet it’s often surrounded by stigma and taboo, even in modern societies. By openly providing menstrual products, we aim to normalize conversations about menstruation and challenge the outdated notions that create discomfort around this natural biological process.
Simple Service, Significant Impact
This simple act of providing tampons and pads is more than just a convenience; it’s about respecting and acknowledging the needs of our guests. It’s a step towards making everyone feel valued and supported, ensuring that no one has to compromise their comfort or travel plans.
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Florence, Milan, Rome
Discover Sustainable Travel with YellowSquare’s Go2Green Events
At YellowSquare, we’re not just about providing a place to stay; we’re committed to making a positive impact on the planet. Our annual Go2Green events, held across our locations in Rome, Milan, and Florence, are at the heart of our mission to promote sustainable travel. Join us as we delve into what makes these events a cornerstone of our environmental initiative and how they can enhance your travel experience.
Embracing Sustainability at YellowSquare
At YellowSquare, we believe in making a positive impact, both locally and globally. Our Go2Green events are designed to engage guests and local communities in sustainable practices. These events feature interactive workshops, enlightening quizzes, and talks from leading eco-influencers such as Giovanni Mori, Greta Volpi, and Ottavia Belli. Through these activities, we aim to inspire a new way of traveling that respects and preserves the natural world.
Impactful Partnerships for a Greener Tomorrow
Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond educational events. In partnership with carbon finance experts like Carbonsink and South Pole, Go2Green supports vital environmental projects such as the preservation of Cambodia’s rainforests. This initiative not only helps protect biodiversity but also allows YellowSquare to acquire carbon credits, which we offer as prizes to participants. These credits can be used by our guests to offset the carbon footprint of their future travels, making their adventures more eco-friendly.
Get Involved and Make a Difference
Participating in Go2Green at YellowSquare isn’t just about learning; it’s about taking real steps towards reducing your environmental impact. By joining us at these events, you can earn CO2 credits, making your travel more sustainable. These gatherings also serve as a platform to connect with fellow travelers who share a passion for eco-conscious living.
Why Choose YellowSquare for Your Next Stay?
Choosing YellowSquare means more than just finding a place to sleep. It means joining a community that values sustainability and actively works towards a greener future. Whether you are a solo traveler, a digital nomad, or a family on vacation, our hostels provide not only comfort and style but also opportunities to contribute to a sustainable planet. Together, we can make a difference, one journey at a time.