Categoria: Tips
Explore the LGBTQ+ Scene in Rome!
Rome is not just one of the most beautiful cities in the world—it’s also one of the most lively for the LGBTQ+ community. With a rich scene, the capital offers welcoming venues, unforgettable nights, and an inclusive atmosphere. Whether you’re a local or just visiting, this guide will help you discover the best nightlife and gay-friendly spots in the city.
The two most iconic areas for the LGBTQ+ community are “Gay Street” (near the Colosseum) and the Pigneto neighborhood. The considered “Gay Street” is perfect for a relaxed aperitivo, while Pigneto, with its artsy and alternative vibe, is ideal for those seeking a more creative and refined atmosphere.
But Rome’s LGBTQ+ scene doesn’t stop there! With incredible diversity, the city offers a wide array of experiences: bars, nightclubs, and even cultural hubs for every taste and mood.
Here are some must-visit spots to enjoy the best of Rome’s LGBTQ+ nightlife.
Bars and Venues
Coming Out
This bar played a key role in transforming Via S. Giovanni in Laterano into Rome’s Gay Street. What began as a small bar near the Colosseum, has now become a central hub for the LGBTQ+ community in the city. The Coming Out is the perfect place to meet new people or simply soak in the unique atmosphere of Gay Street.
Location: Coming out
101 Roma Club
Nestled between Termini and the Colosseum, this nightlife spot is perfect for those seeking a relaxed and inclusive environment. You can mingle in the main bar area or enjoy more privacy in the intimate lounge. Its motto says it all: “Be free to be yourself.” If you’re looking for a laid-back, no-judgment vibe, this is the place to be.
Location: 101 Roma Club
Malo Glitter Bar address
In the heart of Pigneto, Malo Glitter Bar is a perfect mix of culture and fun. Beyond serving unique, high-quality cocktails, this venue hosts art exhibitions, drag queen performances, book presentations, and thought-provoking talks. It’s a creative space where art and inclusivity meet, making it a standout destination for the LGBTQ+ community.
Location: Malo Glitter Bar
Where to Dance?
Rome is the perfect city for anyone who loves dancing late into the night. With a variety of LGBTQ+ events, there’s always something happening. Here are some of the most iconic parties.
THE Saturday night party is GIAM! Held at Planet Club in the EUR district (here is the address), this event features international DJs, extraordinary performers, and an electric energy that lights up Rome’s nights year-round. If you love electronic music and a high-energy vibe, this is the party for you.
Location: GIAM
This queer-friendly event celebrates pop culture in all its forms. Every other Saturday at Monk , you can dance to R&B beats, nostalgic remixes, and current hits, all curated by top DJs. It’s the ideal night for pop music lovers and anyone looking for a mix of nostalgia and modern flair.
Location: POPPE party
Latte Fresco
One of Rome’s most diverse party takes place every Friday at Largo Venue. Every Friday, you can enjoy a mix of stand-up comedy, karaoke, and drag performances before midnight—perfect for having a drink with friends. After midnight, unitl 4 AM, the dance floor comes alive with a wide range of music, all accompanied by contests where the audience can take the stage and dance alongside the DJs and drag queens.
Location: Latte Fresco
More than a Night Out: Culture and Community
If you’re looking for something beyond drinks and dancing, Rome also offers spaces like LGBTQ+ cultural centers. Here you can attend cultural events and activism-focused activities, enriching your experience within the community.
Ready to Discover Rome?
These are just a few suggestions for exploring Rome’s LGBTQ+ scene, but there’s so much more to discover! Go out, have fun, and let yourself be surprised by a city that knows how to welcome you with warmth and color. 🌈✨
With love, Chiara
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Roma, Rome
Aventura Ron-romana: Um guia aos gatos de Roma
Roma, uma cidade rica em história e cultura, tem uma conexão profunda com os seus habitantes felinos. Há séculos que os gatos fazem parte integrante da vida romana, estando a sua presença entrelaçada no tecido da história e da cultura da cidade. Quer saber onde os pode encontrar? Leia!
Binó-miau histórico perfeito
A relação entre os romanos e os gatos remonta aos tempos antigos. Os romanos eram conhecidos pela sua abordagem prática da criação de animais, e os gatos eram valorizados pela sua capacidade de controlar as populações de roedores. Este benefício prático cimentou o papel dos gatos na sociedade romana.
Mas, para além do seu papel prático, os gatos também têm um significado cultural em Roma.
Ao longo da história, muitos romanos famosos expressaram o seu amor pelos gatos. Um exemplo notável é o poeta Catulo, que escreveu vários poemas sobre o seu gato de companhia, Bituitus.
Particularmente na Idade do Império, os felinos eram considerados sagrados pelos romanos, influenciados pelo culto de Ísis, uma deusa egípcia que era muito adorada em Roma nessa época. Ísis era muitas vezes representada com um gato ou uma cria de gato sagrada, simbolizando as suas qualidades protectoras e maternais.
Gattare de Roma: uma história de amor milenar
O culto de Ísis era particularmente popular entre as mulheres, que procuravam a sua ajuda em questões de amor, fertilidade e parto.
Esta conexão entre gatos e mulheres também se reflete na língua italiana: a palavra gattara é uma gíria romana que se refere a uma mulher que cuida de gatos vadios. Estas pessoas dedicadas desempenham um papel crucial na vida da população felina de Roma, fornecendo comida, abrigo e cuidados médicos aos gatos necessitados.
Os gatos na Roma moderna
Atualmente, os gatos continuam a prosperar em Roma. Podem ser encontrados a passear pelas praças históricas da cidade, a descansar nos parapeitos das janelas ensolaradas e a explorar as ruínas antigas. Muitos romanos têm um profundo afeto pelos gatos e tratam-nos como membros queridos das suas famílias.
Estes são alguns dos sítios onde os pode encontrar, ou mesmo apoiá-los com donativos, enquanto desfruta das belas paisagens da Cidade Eterna:
- Piramide Cestia:
O antigo sepulcro romano de Piramide Cestia é também um santuário para uma próspera colónia de gatos. Estes felinos fizeram da pirâmide a sua casa, acrescentando um toque de encanto ao sítio histórico. - Porta Magica:
Porta Magica, um arco misterioso situado no bairro de Prati, é também o lar de uma pequena mas simpática colónia de felinos. Podem ser vistos frequentemente a descansar nos degraus ou a explorar a área circundante. - Torre Argentina:
A Torre Argentina, um sítio arqueológico histórico em Roma, é conhecida pela sua próspera colónia de felinos. Este grupo de gatos fez a sua casa nas ruínas de um antigo templo romano, criando uma visão única e enternecedora. - Cimitero Monumentale del Verano and Cimitero Acattolico:
Estes dois cemitérios em Roma, conhecidos pelo seu valor histórico e pela sua arquitetura notável, são também o lar de colónias de felinos. Os gatos encontraram refúgio entre os túmulos e monumentos, criando uma atmosfera única e pacífica.
Bonus: CATS – um Miau-sical romano
O icónico musical CATS foi adaptado para o público italiano em 2023 com um toque romano único. Tendo como pano de fundo a Cidade Eterna, esta produção italiana capta a essência do original ao mesmo tempo que incorpora elementos da cultura e da história romanas.
Com as antigas ruínas romanas como tela de fundo, o cenário do musical proporciona um cenário cativante e autêntico para o baile anual dos Jellicle Cats.
Pode assistir a este espetáculo encantador, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, no Teatro Sistina, a partir de maio de 2025
Aonde ir:
A conexão entre romanos e gatos é um testemunho do amor e respeito duradouros que os humanos podem ter pelos animais. Os gatos têm desempenhado um papel vital na história e na cultura de Roma: à medida que a cidade continua a evoluir, a presença dos gatos continuará, sem dúvida, a ser uma parte preciosa da sua identidade.
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Seis Meses Perspectivas Roma
Oi, amigo! Espero que você esteja ótimo! Se você está pensando em vir a Roma pela primeira vez, devo admitir que estou um pouco com inveja. Ainda me lembro da emoção de ver esta cidade pela primeira vez; ela me cativou tanto que decidi ficar.
Vou fazer o meu melhor para te dar um panorama de como tenho vivido esta cidade nos últimos meses.
Onde Pode Acontecer Qualquer Coisa
Roma é aquela cidade onde qualquer coisa pode acontecer. Em uma quarta-feira qualquer, você pode ver James Franco em Trastevere assinando livros ou Harry Styles em Porta Portese comprando discos de vinil raros. E se isso não te surpreende, espere até a semana seguinte, quando Edward Norton (o outro cara do Fight Club) apresentar um filme em um cinema ao ar livre. É assim Roma: uma caixa cheia de surpresas infinitas. Como eu a definiria? Em uma palavra: estimulante.
“James Franco presenta Spring Breakers a Monte Ciocci”
“Edward Norton a Roma parla del Cinema Italiano al Cinema in Piazza di Roma”
Um Mosaico Cultural
Roma é a Torre de Babel, mas com mais sabor e café melhor. Aqui, as culturas não coexistem simplesmente; elas se abraçam em um caos delicioso que só esta cidade pode oferecer. Passeie por suas ruas e você ouvirá uma sinfonia de línguas, verá mercados cheios de produtos que você nem sabia que existiam, e descobrirá trattorias onde cada prato conta uma história. Acredite, Roma é um lugar que abraça. É um festival de diversidade envolto em um caos perfeitamente orquestrado.
Comida: Mais do Que um Clichê
Quando cheguei, lembro que me diverti vendo o que considerava um desfile de neuróticos obcecados por detalhes. Mas tenho que admitir que essa obsessão com a precisão culinária, que é praticamente uma questão de cultura geral na Itália, faz com que o padrão mais baixo de comida aqui seja excelente.
E depois de um tempo, acredite, você aprende que o pecorino é sagrado, o debate entre guanciale e pancetta e seus usos adequados, reviravolta (há mais do que apenas espaguete), a pasta deve sempre estar al dente, peixe e queijo podem fazer você ser expulso da Itália, o que realmente significa um “café normal” e muito mais.
Filosofia Romana em Duas Palavras: Sti Cazz$
Então, um dia estava conversando com meu amigo Manuele (um chef romano, fiel ao estereótipo) sobre o que realmente significa sti cazz$. Ele me disse: “É como dizer ‘quem se importa’, mas é mais do que isso.” É assim que se sobrevive em Roma. O metrô está atrasado? Sti cazz$. Sua refeição chegou tarde? O garçom errou o pedido? Sti cazz$. Basicamente, nada é grave o suficiente para se preocupar demais. Tudo tem solução, e se não tem… sti cazz$.
(E por favor, não procure essas palavras no Google Imagens)
Ci Vediamo Presto!
Bem, meus colegas viajantes, todos os caminhos levam a Roma. Eu mal arranhei a superfície do que você pode encontrar aqui, mas acredite, vale a pena a jornada.
Vejo você aqui para um aperitivo!
Pura Vida, Ale
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Lugares para visitar em Roma: Distrito Coppedè
Antes de tudo, veja no blogpost anterior: Do YellowSquare Rome Hostel à Obra-Prima de Michelangelo
O chamado Quartiere Coppedè é um dos segredos escondidos de Roma, um complexo de palácios e pequenas vilas no quarteirão de Trieste. Um dos bairros considerados nobres na cidade, um pouco longe do caos turistico, o qual esconde preciosas pérolas.
Por volta de 1915, a Società Anonima Edilizia Moderna iniciou a construção de um novo complexo habitacional em Roma, numa área entre os bairros Salario e Trieste, perto de Parioli.
O arquiteto escolhido foi Gino Coppedè, um brilhante arquiteto florentino que enfrentou um desafio pela primeira vez em Roma. É por isso que o bairro leva seu nome.
O Quartiere Coppedè é instantaneamente reconhecível por sua magnífica mistura de estilos artísticos e arquitetônicos. Este canto único de Roma é um experimento fascinante que mistura Art Nouveau, Art Decò, gótico e medieval com influências da arte grega e romana. Cada esquina revela uma nova combinação de estilos, criando uma mistura fantástica que é tanto encantadora quanto memorável.
Quer você seja um entusiasta de arquitetura ou um viajante curioso, o Quartiere Coppedè oferece uma experiência encantadora e inesperada no coração de Roma.
O que ver no bairro Coppedè?
Descubra 4 pontos incomuns no bairro Coppedè.
1. A Dramática Entrada Arqueada
Entre no mundo encantado do Quartiere Coppedè através de sua grande entrada arqueada na Via Dora. Um intrincado candelabro de ferro com torções florais e motivos de cavalos-marinhos o conduz a esta joia escondida de Roma, prometendo uma aventura cheia de maravilhas arquitetônicas.
2. A Fonte das Rãs
Projetada pelo renomado arquiteto Gino Coppedè em 1924, a Fontana delle Rane (Fonte das Rãs) é uma homenagem animada às fontes icônicas de Bernini. Seu lago baixo e sua composição vibrante o transportarão para uma era passada. Este local ganhou fama quando os Beatles pularam nela após um show no Piper Club em 1965.
3. O Palácio da Aranha
Na Piazza Mincio 4, o Palazzo del Ragno (Palácio da Aranha) se destaca com sua grande decoração de aranha acima da porta de madeira. Dê um passo para trás para apreciar outros detalhes fascinantes, como um rosto proeminente, cabeças de leões, grifos, várias colunas, uma varanda com loggia e lindos afrescos na fachada. É um edifício que convida à exploração interminável.
4. As Casas de Fadas
Espalhadas pela via Aterno 4, piazza Mincio 3 e via Brenta 7-11, as Villino delle Fate (Casas de Fadas) são uma visão mágica. Estas encantadoras residências adicionam um toque de conto de fadas ao bairro eclético, cada uma repleta de detalhes arquitetônicos únicos que tornam um passeio pelo Quartiere Coppedè uma experiência inesquecível.
Onde comer ou tomar um café perto do bairro Coppedè:
Bons restaurantes próximos à Piazza Mincio:
- Pizzeria e Ristorante Gaudì: 10 min a pé
- Restaurante comida Romana Al Simeto: 7 min a pé
- Trattoria a bom preço La Balestra: 8 min a pé
Bons cafés por perto:
- Tribeca Cafè (Serve também almoço e jantar): 10 minutos a pé
- Clássico e simples Coppedè Cafè: 3 minutos a pé
Como chegar ao bairro Coppedè em Roma:
Como fica fora dos caminhos turísticos, vale a pena verificar de onde você está hospedado para chegar ao bairro.
- A estação de metrô mais próxima é a Policlinico e dali tem 2 opções:
1. Da estação Policlinico, você pode caminhar 21 minutos até a Piazza Mincio.
2. Pegar o TRAM 19NAV – 2 minutos a pé (170m) da estação. Da parada V.Le Regina Margherita/Morgagni até a parada Piazza Buenos Aires, e caminhar apenas 3 minutos até a Piazza Mincio. - Outra opção é pegar o ônibus 92 Marliana na estação Termini até a parada Tagliamento/Clitunno e caminhar 2 minutos até a Piazza Mincio.
Bom passeio!
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From Cats until Cesar’s Death: Largo Argentina
Greetings, curious travellers! Welcome to Largo Argentina, a historic treasure trove nestled in the beating heart of Rome’s enchanting center. As you step foot into this captivating square, prepare to embark on a playful adventure that unravels the mysteries of ancient Rome, all amidst the hustle and bustle of the modern world. So, put on your explorer’s hat, and let’s dive into the fascinating realm of Largo Argentina!
1. The Cat Sanctuary – Feline Paradise Amidst Ruins
Prepare to be charmed by the Largo Argentina Cat Sanctuary, where adorable feline residents rule the ruins! Amongst the ancient temples and sunken temples, these furry friends have claimed their domain and welcome visitors with purrs and playful antics. Feel free to snap some Instagram-worthy photos with your newfound feline friends – these whiskered historians are the real guardians of history!
2. Teatro Argentina – The Stage Where History Unfolds
The past comes alive at Teatro Argentina, a historic theater that has witnessed dramatic performances for centuries. As you wander around the square, you might just catch a glimpse of the talented street performers who continue the tradition of artistic expression here.
3. Step Back in Time – The Archaeological Area
Channel your inner Indiana Jones as you explore the fascinating archaeological area right beneath your feet! Largo Argentina houses the remains of four ancient Roman temples, and you can stroll amidst these sacred ruins that date back to the Republican era. Imagine the grand ceremonies, lively debates, and whispers of long-lost secrets that once echoed through these hallowed grounds. It’s like stepping into a time machine!
4. A Coffee Break Fit for Emperors – Caffè Sant’Eustachio
After your exciting escapades, take a break at Caffè Sant’Eustachio, a legendary coffee shop revered for its exquisite brews. Sip on an espresso like an ancient Roman emperor, and indulge in the velvety taste that has enchanted coffee connoisseurs for generations. Don’t forget to try their famous granita di caffè – a delightful coffee slushy that will cool you down even in the sweltering Roman sun.
5. The Catwalk of Caesar – Step into the Footprints of History
Legend has it that this very spot marks the site of Julius Caesar’s assassination! Stand on the “Catwalk of Caesar,” the very place where the famous Roman ruler met his fate. It’s a chilling yet thrilling experience to walk in the footsteps of history’s giants.
So, dear travelers, Largo Argentina beckons you with its intriguing blend of ancient ruins, charming felines, and a vibrant spirit that bridges the past and the present. Embrace the playfulness of this extraordinary square, and let its allure leave you spellbound. From playful cats to ancient theatrics, Largo Argentina invites you to uncover Rome’s most amusing secrets. Happy exploring!
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Embark on a Thrilling Adventure from The Yellow Square: A 48-Hour Tour for Curious Travellers in Rome!
Attention travelers! The Eternal City beckons, and your epic journey begins from the vibrant heart of Rome – The Yellow Square! If you have a mere 48 hours to soak in the wonders of this historic metropolis, fret not, for we have crafted the ultimate tour route that will weave you through ancient marvels and modern treasures – all on foot! Lace up your walking shoes and brace yourselves for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you enchanted by Rome’s timeless allure!
Day 1: Delving into Ancient Rome
The Yellow Square: Start your quest right at The Yellow Square – a lively and art-filled hostel that emanates the city’s spirit. Fuel up with a scrumptious breakfast and meet fellow travelers ready to explore Rome’s wonders alongside you.
Colosseum: Venture forth to the awe-inspiring Colosseum, an imposing ancient amphitheater that has stood the test of time. Feel the echoes of history as you stand amidst the once roaring crowds and gladiatorial contests.
Roman Forum: Wander through the remnants of the Roman Forum, where the echoes of ancient life still linger. Immerse yourself in the stories of emperors and citizens alike as you stroll past ruins of temples and basilicas.
Trattoria Luzzi: Take a break for a delightful Italian lunch at Trattoria Luzzi. Savor their classic pasta dishes and indulge in the local flavors – a true Roman experience!
Pantheon: Head to the Pantheon, a marvel of ancient architecture with a breathtaking dome and a history that spans centuries. Be awestruck by its sheer grandeur and celestial oculus.
Trevi Fountain: Toss a coin and make a wish at the Trevi Fountain, a majestic Baroque masterpiece. Channel your inner dreamer and believe in the magic of this ancient tradition.
Piazza Navona: Conclude your afternoon at Piazza Navona, a bustling square that comes alive with street performers and artists. Bask in the atmosphere as you admire Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers.
Osteria da Fortunata: Treat yourself to a delightful dinner at Osteria da Fortunata, known for its mouthwatering Roman-style pizza. Savor the flavors and relish the ambiance of this authentic trattoria.
Day 2: Embracing Modern Marvels
Vatican City: Kickstart your day by crossing into Vatican City and exploring St. Peter’s Square and Basilica. Absorb the spiritual ambiance and marvel at the iconic artworks within.
Pizzarium: Refuel with a quick yet satisfying lunch at Pizzarium, a renowned pizzeria offering a mouthwatering variety of gourmet pizza slices.
Castel Sant’Angelo: Walk along the scenic Tiber River to Castel Sant’Angelo, a former fortress with a storied past. Climb to the top for panoramic vistas of Rome’s skyline.
Ponte Sant’Angelo: Cross the elegant Ponte Sant’Angelo bridge adorned with angelic statues. Enjoy the serene views of the Tiber River as you make your way to the next stop.
Piazza di Spagna & Spanish Steps: Ascend the iconic Spanish Steps, arriving at Piazza di Spagna. Take a moment to relax and soak in the atmosphere of this lively square.
Da Bucatino: Conclude your Roman odyssey with a sumptuous dinner at Da Bucatino, known for its delectable Roman cuisine. Delight in the flavors and celebrate the memories you’ve made during your 48-hour escapade.
As your Roman adventure draws to a close, you’ll carry with you cherished memories of ancient marvels, the charm of modern delights, and the camaraderie of fellow travelers. Relish the allure of Rome, and remember – the spirit of exploration is forever alive in The Yellow Square. Happy trails, adventurers!
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A Foodie Guide to Roman Delights: 3 must-try foods for travellers.
Calling all travelers with a taste for adventure! Welcome to Rome, where the streets are as rich with history as they are with tantalizing flavors. As you embark on your culinary journey through the Eternal City, we present three must-try Roman foods that are not only easy to find but also guaranteed to leave you craving for more. Get ready to savor the essence of Rome with every delectable bite!
Cacio e Pepe – Cheesy Pasta Bliss at Your Fingertips!
Travelers, it’s time to fall in love with Cacio e Pepe, a Roman pasta dish that’s as comforting as it is flavorful. Seek out any traditional trattoria, and you’ll find this Roman classic waiting to delight your taste buds. Tender spaghetti, coated in a luscious sauce made from Pecorino Romano cheese and freshly ground black pepper, creates a symphony of flavors in your mouth. Don’t miss the chance to experience this culinary masterpiece – Cacio e Pepe is both satisfying and easy to find in Rome’s charming eateries. Your taste buds will thank you for embarking on this cheesy pepperlicious adventure!
Supplì – A Savory Surprise in Every Bite!
Wander through the bustling streets of Rome, and you’ll encounter the delightful aroma of Supplì, an irresistible street food sensation that demands your attention. These delectable fried rice balls are a treat for your senses, with a hidden surprise of molten mozzarella cheese tucked inside. Embrace the spirit of culinary exploration as you stroll through the city, as Supplì is readily available from many street vendors and pizzerias. Whether you’re on the move or taking a moment to relax in a quaint piazza, these crispy delights will become your go-to snack in no time!
Roman style pizza – A slice of heaven that awaits you at every turn!
Easily spotted in pizzerias across Rome, this thin-crusted delight offers a diverse array of toppings to suitevery taste. Take your pick from classic margheritas to inventive combinations like potato and rosemary – a true reflection of Rome’s culinary ingenuity. Indulge in a mouthwatering slice al taglio, and savor the crispy perfection of Roman-style pizza wherever your explorations lead you.
So, fellow adventurers, let your taste buds guide you through the captivating streets of modern-day Rome. Cacio e Pepe, Supplì, and Roman-style pizza are your culinary companions on this unforgettable journey. Embrace the flavors, immerse yourself in the culture, and create lasting memories with each delicious bite.
Buon viaggio e buon appetito!
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Florence, Milan, Rome
#domenicalmuseo is now a fixed appointment with Free museums Florence. Every first Sunday of the month it is possible to get a free ticket to visit the most important state monuments of the city. Both you are planning a weekend in the next month and you are thinking of a year-end holiday you have to know that there is always the possibility of free admission to the museums on the first Sunday of the calendar.
Usually the state free museums Florence participating in the initiative are the following:
- Uffizi Gallery
Piazzale degli Uffizi, 6 – Florence - Museums of Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens
Piazza Pitti, 1 – Florence - Accademy’s Gallery
Via Ricasoli, 58-60 – Florence - Garden of the Medici Villa of Castello
Via di Castello, 44 – Florence - MAF National Archaeological Museum of Florence
S.S. Annunziata, 9 – Florence - Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto in San Salvi
via di San Salvi, 16 – 50135 Florence (FI) - Bargello National Museum
Via del Proconsolo, 4 – Florence - Park of Villa Il Ventaglio
Via G. Aldini, 10/12 – Florence - Medici Villa of Cerreto Guidi and Historical Museum of Hunting and the Territory
via Ponti Medicei, 7 – 50050 Cerreto Guidi (FI)
Public museums free of charge for all visitors
The museums free of charge for everybody on the first Sunday of the month are:
- Colosseum and Forum (access subject to quota)
- Galleria Borghese (mandatory booking, 2 €)
- GNAM Galleria Nazionale Arte Moderna (Modern Art National Gallery)
- Museo nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia (Etruscan national museum)
- Museo HC Andersen, Museo M. Praz, Museo Boncompagni Ludovisi per le Arti decorative e il Costume
- Museo nazionale Romano (Palazzo Massimo, Palazzo Altemps, Crypta Balbi, Terme di Diocleziano)
- Galleria nazionale d’Arte Antica Palazzo Barberini (national gallery of ancient art Palazzo Barberini)
- Galleria nazionale d’Arte Antica Palazzo Corsini (national gallery of ancient palazzo Corsini)
- Galleria Spada
- Museo nazionale di Palazzo Venezia (national museum of Piazza Venezia)
- Museo nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo (National museum of Castel Sant’Angelo – access subject to quota)
- Museo nazionale d’Arte Orientale “G. Tucci” (Eastern art national museum G. Tucci)
- Museo nazionale Preistorico Etnografico “L. Pigorini”(prehistoric national museum L. Pigorini)
- Museo nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari (National Museum of people’s traditions and art)
- Museo nazionale dell’Alto Medioevo (Middle Age national museum)
- Museo nazionale degli Strumenti Musicali (Musical instrument national museum)
- Scavi di Ostia Antica (Ostia Antica digs)
- Museo Ostiense
- Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella
- Terme di Caracalla
- Villa dei Quintili
- Villa Adriana in Tivoli
- Villa d’Este in Tivoli
Also Maxxi belongs to this category. It’s the national museum of modern art (XXI century) where access is always free for the permanent collection (gallery 4) from Tuesday to Friday besides the first Sunday of the month..
Here is a list of the museums which have adhered to the initiative up to now:
- Cenacolo Vinciano
Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie 2 (booking required) - Galleria d’arte moderna di Milano, Museo dell’ottocento, Villa Reale, Villa Belgiojoso Bonaparte
Via Palestro 16 - Gallerie d’Italia
Piazza della Scala 6 - Acquario e civica stazione idrobiologica – municipal aquariumViale Gadio 2
- Casa museo Boschi-di Stefano
Via Giorgio Jan 15 - Castello Sforzesco
Piazzale Castello - Museo Studio Francesco Messina
Via S. Sisto 4a - Museo archeologico di Milano
Corso Magenta 15 - Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano
Corso Venezia 55 - Museo del Risorgimento and workshop of modern and contemporary history
Via Borgonuovo 23 - Museo diocesano di Milano
Corso di Porta Ticinese 95 - Palazzo Morando – traditions and fashion
Via Sant’Andrea 6
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R(h)ome is where the heart is
Rome. This touristic city is so well depicted in history books and documentaries. It is a city that people unfortunately often tend to reduce to the Colosseum or the Pantheon. It is a city that I’ve unconsciously never been excited about because I didn’t want to seem or feel mainstream.
Still, as soon as I got off the train taking me from Fiumicino to Termini the first day I ever stepped foot here, everything had already changed.
The magic was already operating.
From my first day to the end of my time in Rome, I have spent indescribable, unforgettable days. Some days were all chill and relax. I would have a walk alongside the Tiber and eat some of the best tiramisu next to one of the famous places in Rome. Most days were as exciting as it gets. I would spend Sunday mornings in the mountains of clothes at the market of Porta Portese and discovering the breathtaking views at the Pincio or Giardini del Aranci.
At the end of each day, a hard choice was to be made between getting some well-deserved rest or going to the Yellowbar across the street to have some more fun. I can still picture the neon lights of the bar, forming letters, words, and a sentence:
“They call us dreamers, but we are the ones who never sleep”.
I will never forget the face of the many people that have once pushed the kitchen door of the Yellow. The people that would cook pasta as if their life depended on it. The ones who would try all the pans before finding the only one that works with the induction hob. The ones making their morning caffè with the little purple moka that someone left in the kitchen when they moved on and away to live other adventures.
For a while, I had my very own family at the hostel.
From the French guy looking for a job in Rome to the Spanish girl learning Italian at La Sapienza University, without forgetting the Greek teenager I shared an ice cream with and the American boy that took me on a rooftop. Each and every one of them was special, each had an incredible personality and took part in the loud laughs that still echo in my head.
I will miss Monica’s confident voice, Julio’s music and many arts, Pablo’s ever-changing dyed hair, Stella’s ice creams at the Gello, and Veronica and Eduardo’s diffusing and radiant happiness.
And overall, I know I will miss the summer heat of the Roman sun on my skin more than I’ll ever like to admit. The freshwater harvested of fountains unexpectedly placed at the corner of the streets. The taste of all the creamy pistacchio croissants I have eaten. The feeling of the fine warm sand of Ostia on my feet.
I have created so many memories in Rome. Some will come back home with me and others will stay sheltered within the delicate architecture of the Roman buildings.
A hand on my suitcase, the other one holding my passport, the feeling is almost indescribable. While getting lost in the Fiumicino labyrinth -as if Rome didn’t want me to go, I can hear some people ordering a freshly-pressed orange juice. Voices fade away, the further I walk into the plane corridor. When we finally take off, the last souvenir that Rome is willing to give me is the direct view of Ostia. And what a wonderful memory…
Rome is where my heart is. Rome is the city in which I bloomed. Rome is my home.
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5 markets in Rome you absolutely cannot miss
If one thing is true, it is that Rome is a city of the past. Much honestly, the first time you step foot in the city, you might wonder if you have just been brought back to the past. There are statues everywhere and detailed sculptures all around you that carry the thought: “Wow, I’m in a huge museum!”.
And that couldn’t be less true. Rome is an open-air museum indeed (link to one of the previous articles).
Rome is art, antique, history, archaeology, a city that never let its record go to waste. That is also why the Eternal City is one of the top travel destinations and has been for years.
But enough about the history and the beauty of the finely detailed flowers engraved below the roofs. Today is about one thing that we love doing when traveling to a foreign country: shopping!
Markets in Rome: Our top 5
Well yes – shopping is very much a part of tourist life, isn’t it? We love bringing back souvenirs in all kinds of “Rome”-printed sweatshirts, hip accessories, paintings of the city, and more. Anything to remind us back home that we once lived the most unforgettable moments in town.
Today is your lucky day. We have compiled a list of the top 5 markets in Rome. There is everything for you to enjoy thorough shopping days in the city from food snacks to vintage fashion!
1) Mercato di Porta Portese
The Porta Portese Market is the place to be on a Sunday morning. One could describe it as a vast, open-air vintage shop. Countless stalls lay on several streets and offer piles upon piles of vintage and second-hand clothes.
The market is located close to the Trastevere area, and it offers a relaxed, trendy vibe. People press to find the best bargains, and the flea market – open only on Sundays – offers records, books, clothes, and houseware beyond your wildest dreams. Our friendly recommendation is such: like Harry Potter’s Room of Requirement, do not expect anything from the Porta Portese Market. That’s the best way to find hidden gems.
2) Mercato di Testaccio
The Mercato di Testaccio is located in the surroundings of the Piramide and Testaccio areas. Upon entering the market, we instantly recognize the vibe of the old-school grandma market. It is filled with the finest Italian products: meat, fish, cheese meet artisanal clothes, beauty products, and accessories.
At the Mercato di Testaccio, you can sit at some of the best food stalls in the city. Food Box, for instance, offers panini filled with vegetarian and meat options. A panino with melanzane alla Parmigiana (aubergines with parmesan cheese) will surely linger in your mind. CasaManco is another excellent choice, with pizza alla pala declined in both regular and creative recipes.
3) Mercato di Campo de’ Fiori
The market of Campo de’ Fiori is open almost every day, and it is surrounded by some great cafés, restaurants, and bars. The fantastic thing about this market is that the produce is fresh and local. We strongly recommend getting freshly pressed juice from one of the food stalls there.
Why not start a Roman day with breakfast at one of the cafés, and enjoy a great moment with coffee and cornetto in hand? On a sunny day, the market looks lively, filled with fresh scents and noises from the surrounding customers. On a rainy day, Campo de’ Fiori becomes melancholic, romantic, beautiful.
4) Mercato Monti
The Mercato Monti is one of the trendiest markets in Rome. It is open on weekends only, and it offers handcrafted accessories and more vintage items than you have ever seen. From 10 am to 8 pm on Saturdays and Sundays, you can find handmade jewelry, fashion, accessories in vintage and artisanal declensions.
5) Mercato dell’Esquilino
The Mercato dell’Esquilino borders the Termini station, and it focuses on ethnic, international foods. If you are missing specific spices to create a tremendous Asian, African, or Arab dish, that is where you need to go.
The market personifies the hustle and bustle of multicultural Rome. There, noises and smell combine in the vast industrial building, open almost every day of the week.
In conclusion…
There you have it, a condensed list of the hippest and delicious markets in Rome. If you’ve never thought of shopping in Rome because the plan revolved around pizza-Colosseum-Vatican, think again. On a relaxed, stroll, you might just find your new favorites.