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Pocket Show (Jam Session)

Are you a musician or simply a music lover? Join our jam session! Whether you play or just want to sing along, we’ve got a list of songs for you to check out. Who knows—maybe we’ll rock the night together with friends from all over the world!


2 hours
Italian and English
Sunday - 08:00 PM
From 3 to 15 participants
For information on the progress of the activity or any cancellations, it is necessary to ask at the reception desk.

What's included

  • Guitar
  • Drums
  • Cajón
  • Mics

Meeting point

The Yellow Bar
Yellowsquare - Rome
Via Palestro, 51
00185 Rome
+39 064463554
CIN: IT058091B63X9S4V8Q
CIR: 058091-OSS-00014
Yellowsquare - Milan
Via S. Lattuada, 14
20135 Milan
+39 0282396603
CIR: 015146-OST-00037
Yellowsquare - Florence
Viale F. Redi, 19
50144 Florence
+39 0550317718
Don't send ass

WhatsApp number Italia +39 06 49382682