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All you can Quiz

We all love to be informed and cultured, but how can we boast of all the culture we have accumulated without the possibility of showing it off? This is why you are all invited to our evening of curiosities and games.


2 hours
Italian and English
Tuesday - 08:00 PM
From 3 to 30 participants
For information on the progress of the activity or any cancellations, it is necessary to ask at the reception desk.

What's included

  • Paper
  • Pen

Meeting point

The Yellow Bar Arcade Club
Yellowsquare - Rome
Via Palestro, 51
00185 Rome
+39 064463554
CIN: IT058091B63X9S4V8Q
CIR: 058091-OSS-00014
Yellowsquare - Milan
Via S. Lattuada, 14
20135 Milan
+39 0282396603
CIR: 015146-OST-00037
Yellowsquare - Florence
Viale F. Redi, 19
50144 Florence
+39 0550317718
Don't send ass

WhatsApp number Italia +39 06 49382682