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Work with us

We know you are in the Italian version of our website, however we will keep it simple and English. As it’s a common language in our work space to communicate better in an environment full of diversity and multi nationalities.

What are we looking for?

Think positive Be proactive Open your mind Spread new ideas Be respectful

Open positions

How about joining us for an internship experience?

Are you a traveling artist?

Are you a social media influencer?

Yellowsquare - Roma
Via Palestro, 51
00185 Roma
+39 064463554
CIN: IT058091B63X9S4V8Q
CIR: 058091-OSS-00014
Yellowsquare - Milano
Via S. Lattuada, 14
20135 Milano
+39 0282396603
CIR: 015146-OST-00037
Yellowsquare - Firenze
Viale F. Redi, 19
50144 Firenze
+39 0550317718
Don't send ass

Numero WhatsApp Italia +39 06 49382682