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14 Giugno 2022

01) Hangar Bicocca:

Ex capannone industriale, ospita mostre d’arte moderna e istallazioni fisse come “I Sette Palazzi Celesti” di Kiefer

02) Parco Sempione e Arco della Pace:

Il parco a ridosso del Castello Sforzesco, sorge sull’antica Piazza D’Armi, finito il suo utilizzo militare, si iniziò a piantumare la zona e a trasformarla a partire dall’800. L’Arco Della Pace nei pressi del parco è invece stato iniziato per celebrare la pace del Congresso di Vienna, con la conquista di Milano da parte degli austriaci, l’arco venne completato con una piccola beffa nei confronti dei francesi (precedenti occupanti di Milano), le sculture sulla sommità dell’arco, vennero posizionate in modo da dare le spalle alla Francia 

03) Vigna di Leonardo:

Regalata dal Duca di Milano Ludovico il Moro a Leonardo come ringraziamento per i servigi svolti in città, sorgeva fuori dalle mura cittadine, nei pressi di Santa Maria delle Grazie. Durante l’invasione, i francesi si accanirono particolarmente nel quartiere, in quanto sede di ville e abitazioni di persone di spicco della corte ducale.  Analizzando i resti ritrovati in loco, si è riusciti a “ricostruire” la tipologia e varietà delle piante originali e rimetterle in sede. Di pregio anche il contesto del palazzo (Atellani) che ospita all’interno del suo giardino la vigna

04) Cavallo di Leonardo:

Ricostruzione degli anni ’90 sui disegni di Leonardo del cavallo facente parte del monumento equestre in onore di Francesco Sforza. Leonardo riuscì solo a fare dei bozzetti e una prima scultura in gesso che venne usata dai francesi come bersaglio per i fucili durante l’invasione e distrutta. Purtroppo non è stato valorizzato in una zona centrale ma messo in periferia all’ippodromo.

05) Darsena:

Originariamente il porto commerciale della città, finché funzionante, era tra i dieci porti commerciali più importanti d’Italia. Caduto in disuso con la chiusura e interramento dei Navigli, è stata restaurata e riaperta in epoca recente come museo.

06) Chiuse Leonardesche:

A differenza di quanto detto da diverse guide locali, Leonardo non progettò I navigli (già esistenti) ma progettò e perfezionò il sistema di chiuse che consentivano la regolazione del livello dell’acqua e i lavori di manutenzione dei canali. I Navigli percorrevano originariamente tutta la città di Milano e la Lombardia, creando una rete di viabilità già in epoca antica che ha facilitato gli spostamenti commerciali della città, nonché il trasporto delle pietre necessarie alla costruzione del Duomo

07) Villa Invernizzi:

Chiunque abiti a Milano è passato almeno una volta a sbirciare il giardino di questa villa, la sua caratteristica particolare sono i fenicotteri che lo abitano, decisamente pittoreschi nel contesto urbano

08) Cimitero Monumentale:

Luogo di sepoltura delle personalità più illustri, è un luogo sicuramente suggestivo per le sue sculture

09) Biblioteca e Pinacoteca Ambrosiana:

Raccoglie opere prestigiose di vari artisti e il Codice Atlantico, ovvero la raccolta di scritti e schizzi autografi di Leonardo Da Vinci.

Curiosità: la biblioteca ospita una teca con una ciocca di capelli appeartenuti a Lucrezia Borgia, figlia di Papa Alessandro VI

10) Abbazia di Chiaravalle:

Non lontano da Milano sorge una splendida abbazia dell’ordine cistercense fondato da San Bernardo di Chiaravalle. Il complesso sorse in una zona paludosa e disabitata, bonificata poi dai monaci che si insediarono. Nella zona si creò presto un borgo dato l’aumento di lavoro agricolo e di allevamento di bestiame, quest’ultimo portò una sovrapproduzione di latte che costrinse I monaci ad ingegnarsi per la conservazione di quest’ultimo, perfezionando la stagionatura dei formaggi e portando così a creare il Grana Padano.

Caratteristica la colonna intrecciata all’ingresso del chiostro e la maestosa torre a base ottagonale chiamata anche in modo scherzoso e affettuoso: Ciribiciaccola

Combo altri due consigli —->

Palazzo Clerici: residenza urbana del marchese Clerici è uno stupendo palazzo barocco del ‘700 affrescato tra gli altri anche da Tiepolo 

Palazzo Galimberti: Uno dei massimi esempi di arte Liberty a Milano, vale la pensa vederli da vicino le soluzioni razionali tipiche del modernismo, eccessi barocchi e forme neoclassiche intorno ai palazzi e la città.



R(h)ome is where the heart is

Kenza El Azami
14 Giugno 2022

Rome. This touristic city is so well depicted in history books and documentaries. It is a city that people unfortunately often tend to reduce to the Colosseum or the Pantheon. It is a city that I’ve unconsciously never been excited about because I didn’t want to seem or feel mainstream.

Still, as soon as I got off the train taking me from Fiumicino to Termini the first day I ever stepped foot here, everything had already changed. 

The magic was already operating.

From my first day to the end of my time in Rome, I have spent indescribable, unforgettable days. Some days were all chill and relax. I would have a walk alongside the Tiber and eat some of the best tiramisu next to one of the famous places in Rome. Most days were as exciting as it gets. I would spend Sunday mornings in the mountains of clothes at the market of Porta Portese and discovering the breathtaking views at the Pincio or Giardini del Aranci. 

At the end of each day, a hard choice was to be made between getting some well-deserved rest or going to the Yellowbar across the street to have some more fun. I can still picture the neon lights of the bar, forming letters, words, and a sentence:

“They call us dreamers, but we are the ones who never sleep”. 

I will never forget the face of the many people that have once pushed the kitchen door of the Yellow. The people that would cook pasta as if their life depended on it. The ones who would try all the pans before finding the only one that works with the induction hob. The ones making their morning caffè with the little purple moka that someone left in the kitchen when they moved on and away to live other adventures. 

For a while, I had my very own family at the hostel. 

From the French guy looking for a job in Rome to the Spanish girl learning Italian at La Sapienza University, without forgetting the Greek teenager I shared an ice cream with and the American boy that took me on a rooftop. Each and every one of them was special, each had an incredible personality and took part in the loud laughs that still echo in my head. 

I will miss Monica’s confident voice, Julio’s music and many arts, Pablo’s ever-changing dyed hair, Stella’s ice creams at the Gello, and Veronica and Eduardo’s diffusing and radiant happiness. 

And overall, I know I will miss the summer heat of the Roman sun on my skin more than I’ll ever like to admit. The freshwater harvested of fountains unexpectedly placed at the corner of the streets. The taste of all the creamy pistacchio croissants I have eaten. The feeling of the fine warm sand of Ostia on my feet.

I have created so many memories in Rome. Some will come back home with me and others will stay sheltered within the delicate architecture of the Roman buildings. 

A hand on my suitcase, the other one holding my passport, the feeling is almost indescribable. While getting lost in the Fiumicino labyrinth -as if Rome didn’t want me to go, I can hear some people ordering a freshly-pressed orange juice. Voices fade away, the further I walk into the plane corridor. When we finally take off, the last souvenir that Rome is willing to give me is the direct view of Ostia. And what a wonderful memory… 

Rome is where my heart is. Rome is the city in which I bloomed. Rome is my home.



6 reasons you need to visit Milano this summer (but not only)


Milano is big Milano is beautiful Milano in the future.  when you first book your plane tickets to come to Italy Milano is in the plans. Of course, it is not Rome the beautiful and antique Rome.  but Milano has something of the future something I Vanguard that you really can not come across in any other place of the world. 

For he who steps foot for the first time in Milano, you should know you are landing in the playground of fashion, design, and all kinds of exciting events beyond your wildest dreams. In Milano, there is a week dedicated to quite anything. Design week, fashion week, architecture week – so many opportunities of meeting people and upgrading your skills and your life.

The Navigli, of course

When you are new to the city, one amazing area to get lost in is the Navigli. The Navigli is way more than simple canals surrounded by bars, restaurants, and clubs. First and foremost, they are an important part of the historical center of Milano. Little do most people know that in the past, Milano very much resembled Venice in that streets were linked with canals. Today, even though most of them have been destroyed, the area is still crossed by two canals that make the neighborhood cozy and friendly.

It is an amazing area to have fun in, whether you are hanging out with your partner, your friends, or your family. If you are a fan of vintage shopping, or if you like to grab a drink after a full day visiting the city, then this is the spot for you. Food tip: we strongly recommend having a bite at Pizzium, one of the best pizzerias around.

The Dome of Milano

Of course, this mini-guide of Milano wouldn’t be complete without the famous Dome of Milano. We know this is one of the top attractions in the city, and it looks fabulous from each corner of the Piazza del Duomo. You can even get on the rooftop to catch a glimpse of the grandeur of Milano – a cool spot for an Instagram sunset moment.

If you are a history and religion lover, we strongly recommend you to catch a  glimpse of the famous Leonardo da Vinci ‘Last Supper’ painting. It has been safely and jealously guarded by the city for ages, and it is truly an imposing part of the country’s culture that you would set your eyes on.

Shopping at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

When you visit a city, bringing back souvenirs for family – and yourself – is a part of the deal. For this matter, another area that you would very well do to visit – especially if you are a shopping enthusiast – is the very elegant Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. How can you not feel like a queen or a king taking a stroll between the luxurious restaurants and clothing shops nearby? 

Churches, please

In Milano, much like in any part of Italy, churches and basilicas are very much loved. As part of our selection, we would recommend a visit to Chiesa di Santa Maria Presso San Satiro, a church that dates back from the 9th century. It is located in the Centro Storico, as is Chiesa di San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. It is nicknamed the Sistine Chapel of Milano, and there is reason enough to regard this monument as one of the most famous in the world. It is gold, it is paintings, it is art and architecture all rolled into one. 

Fun fact: in this church, you will be able to enjoy a reproduction of the Last Supper painting. Then, close by, you can take a walk at The Palazzo Litta, an astounding baroque building from the 17th century. Your best bet to enjoy the city to the fullest is to lose yourself in the ancient architecture of this very avant-garde City.

Can a city be complete without a castle, though?

Despite its very artistic and design look at times, Milano still remains very much engraved in the past. It does not let go of its record nor of its gigantic history. A proof of this love for tradition and history is the Castello Sforzesco, one of the greatest pieces of evidence of the city’s power. In 2 or 3 hours tops, you can wander the Castle – absolutely for free. In the nearby park, you can come across a mini Arc de Triomphe that will teleport you to the elegant Paris, only a few meters away from the center of Milano.

Must-visit: the Monumental Cemetery

When you’re on vacation, the last thing that you would like to do is visiting a cemetery. However, catacombs, crypts, and cemeteries really boast a supernatural personality in Italy. We strongly recommend that you visit the Monumental Cemetery when you’re in Milano. No shady vibes, on the other hand, this is the very opportunity to enjoy Italian art from the 19th and 20th centuries. There are engraved and sculpted masterpieces all around, and the cemetery building itself is absolutely stunning.

Of course, you don’t have to do this on your own. If you would like to visit the city with a true local, you can always get a guided tour of the historical center or a ghost tour if you want to mix things up a little bit.  

So there you have it some of the very best places to visit get lost in and enjoy the finer things from the Italian culture. There are so many ways to visit Milano that it’s really difficult to end this article there. From luxury shopping to avant-garde design and buildings made from glass and concrete and wood, it is a city for the dreamer.

If you would like to get away from the city just for a day or two, Lake Como is a stone’s throw away. It is one of the most peaceful places you will ever find in your life, filled with blue, green, water, and mountains that surround you, your dreams, and your happiness. 



Tips for young travelers on a budget.


You have just passed your exams, and to reward yourself, you booked a week in one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Rome. 

Congratulations, you are about to see unexpected wonders, taste delicious Roman pizzas, and even learn some Italian words… Fantastico! Andiamo! However, as a student or a youngster, you might want to get tips on how not to ruin yourself.

1) Social life on a budget

Only 10 minutes away from the Yellow, you will find the not-so-famous San Lorenzo quartiere. Known as the student district of Rome, you will love meeting new people at Piazza dell’Immacolata or coming there with your friends to get affordable and yummy pizza. 

The time of one night, enjoy the music, the laughs, the cultural mix of students coming from all over the world. Trade the touristy parts of Rome for this young industrial neighborhood and relish the inexpensive beers, negronis, and other Aperol Spritz you can find in the numerous bars!

2) Shopping on a budget

If you can not visit a city without doing some shopping, you might want to try vintage! Rome is full of vintage and second-hand stores. Seek unique pieces at Humana Vintage. If you are lucky enough, you will go there on one of the everything-for-5-euros discount days! Shop your way to famous Italian brands and be sure to be the only one boasting the style!

If you ever get bored on a Sunday morning (no one ever gets bored in Rome, but let’s pretend), catch the bus H, which will take you directly from Termini to Porta Portese market. This 2-kilometer-long flea market will allow you to buy famous brand-name dresses, tops, blouses for one euro apiece! Going there with only 10 euros, searching and digging for gems, enjoying the atmosphere of a local flea market is a whole experience that

one has to live at least once!

3) Eating on a budget

After spending an entire morning wandering in the streets of Rome, fill your belly for less than 10 euros in one of the numerous restaurants of old areas. Avoid the touristy places such as the Pantheon or the Colosseum and lose yourself in the tiny, paved streets! Get a Carciofi alla Romana (Cooked artichoke Roman style) for 4 euros and a pizza margherita for 7 euros at Ivo a Trastevere or fresh al dente pasta at Raviolo d’Oro for 8 euros!

Take a dessert by quickly finding a gelateria where you will lose your mind trying to choose between all the flavors! For 3 euros, you will get a huge and melting 3-flavors ice cream with panna (the most tasteful whipped cream you will be given to eat)! 

Pss. We hear that the Gello, the Yellow’s gelateria, will make your tastebuds relish!

Head towards Two Sizes or Tiramisu Trastevere if you are more into Tiramisu! For an average of 3 euros, treat yourself to one of the best Italian specialties. Thank us later.

4) Visiting on a budget

Hopefully, some attractions in Rome are entirely free: the park of Villa Borghese, the Trevi fountain, the Pantheon, the churches, … but some museums, although they might be indispensable steps of your trip, are sometimes pricey!

While most museums offer a reduced price for students under 25 years old, some are free. They include the house-museums, such as casa di Goethe or Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen.

You also have to keep in mind that all the state museums and the Colosseum and Roman Forum are accessible on the first Sunday of each month. As for the Vatican museums, they are free on the last Sunday of the month. Thus, be careful about the dates you are looking at for your trip!

5) From Rome to other cities on a budget

For those looking for even more adventure, know that it is effortless to travel from Rome to other cities such as Florence. Bus tickets from 9 euros or Train tickets from 20 euros will take you to one of the most beautiful cities in the whole world. Leave the Colosseum to visit the lively Napoli streets and the ruins of Pompei, with a train ticket that can cost as little as €12!


Rome is full of affordable places for students and peeps on a budget – follow our guide, and be sure to let us know about any hidden gems you love!



5 Instagram-worthy places in Rome, Yellow-Approved.


No one would ever deny the fact that we are now in an Instagram era. From the selfie to the breakfast picture, whose feed will be the prettiest? 

When in Rome, there is nothing easier than snapping up amazing shots of the city, the monuments, and the generous dishes you are served at the terrace of many local restaurants. Here is a Yellow-approved guide for all those who want to discover the hidden gems of the eternal city and make all their friends wish they were around!

1) Pinocchio statue – Bartolucci Italy

If the tale of the Italian wooden puppet has sweetened your childhood, why let your feet bring you to the human-size Pinocchio representation of the Bartolucci shop? 

You will have so much fun taking pictures sitting on the bench with him, playing with his flexible arms (pay attention not to break him!), touching his long nose, or simply enjoying the typical Italian background: a paved street, an ochre wall, and the ornate wooden storefront.

2) Statues and fountains of Italian houses’ backyards

You will need to be a little bit more adventurous and keep your eyes wide open for this one. Just like a treasure hunt, look for all the open doors of Italian houses in order to discover what is hidden in their backyard. 

It may be a simple fountain surmounted by climbing ivy, or a magnificent statue of Venus or any Greek or Roman figure, coated with the well-known Italian flowers, releasing an unforgettable spring fragrance. You won’t be able to capture the scent of these, but you will be given the chance to seize the essence of a real Italian treasure.

3) Terrazza Les Etoiles

While most tourists are attracted by Terrazza del Pincio to enjoy the view of Rome, stand out by climbing the steps of the Atlante Hotel up to the restaurant ‘Les Etoiles’. 

Order a caffè or an orange juice and relish the 360 degrees view of the Vatican and the most famous monuments of Rome. Do not leave without taking a picture of yourself, glass in the hand, hair blowing in the wind, sparkles in the eyes

4) Pontile di Ostia

If you don’t have the chance to live near the beach on a daily basis, you might want to spend a day on the warm sand of Ostia. Besides the calm atmosphere and fresh marine air, you will be able to get your best Instagram influencer pictures. Sitting on the low wall of the pontile, facing the horizon, striking the pose in front of the typical Italian littoral… Numerous are the possibilities for you to pimp your Instagram feed!

5) Palazzetto Zuccari –The Monster Door

If by chance you find yourself near Piazza di Spagna, take a detour to admire the beauty of the monster-shaped door. So easy to fit within all the pictures of your IG account, yet so unusual, this artwork is a real masterpiece, a must-see in Rome, and a souvenir that you will love to talk about!

We won’t say it enough: Rome is a museum in itself! Each step you make can take you to wonders you would never have imagined. Write down these 5 ideas on a sticker note and adventure yourself to some of the most beautiful and instagrammable places in the world: the Trastevere and Coppedè neighborhoods, the numerous statues of Villa Borghese, the marvelous fountains of the botanical gardens, and of course, the Trevi fountain, the Colosseum, and the Pantheon!


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