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The March tarot card: "THE STRENGTH"

07 março 2025
March: The Strength Prophecy
If you had to choose between sheer physical power (biceps sculpted like Channing Tatum’s and legs worthy of Serena Williams) or the mastery of self-control, what would it be? My powers of clairvoyance tell me most of you would go for the first!
And yet, the card of March reveals a deeper truth: True Strength lies in taming our lowest instincts, not in overpowering others. To get through life without constant chaos, a little self-control is essential. The Angel of Strength teaches us that brute force, when turned against others, is not power—it is simply a lack of respect, a step toward violence.
March is not just the month of women; it is the month of respect—for others and for ourselves. So be like the Angel… be the friend of the lion.
And speaking of inner and outer strength, our Self-Defense Classes are back! Join us for an intense but empowering experience—because sometimes, the strongest move is knowing when to stand your ground and when to walk away.

The Strength

There was a person who believed that only through aggression and brute strength could they achieve anything. They often found themselves in trouble, more isolated and vulnerable each time. They had been taught that this was the way to get what they wanted. But one day, during a journey through a dense forest, they hid behind a bush and witnessed a delicate figure speaking gently to a lion. The lion, fierce and powerful, listened and responded calmly. It was then they understood: strength was not about force but about communication and understanding.

Oracle’s Guidance

You may think that you need to use force to get what you want. Instead, take the longer, more difficult path of courage and compassion. It’s more rewarding and beautiful.


Non-violence and empathy.

How to find the cards?

They will find you! The traveler’s tarot cards are hidden under a chair, camouflaged between posters, between books or under a cup, waiting to be discovered when the right time is. It is not just about reading a card: it is an experience that happens by destiny,
A sign that comes to you exactly when you need it more. Each card you find is an invitation to stop, reflect and ask you what you are trying to tell you the universe. Just like every big journey, each of these cards will push you a little further from your comfort zone,
offering you new intuitions and helping you to see the world with new eyes.

We are ready to follow the advice of the oracle and to take this special journey with you. Ready to start?

tarots cards
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